The Six Month Update
You would think after waiting so long to get my Volkswagen van, I would have been on Cloud 9. The truth is, I immediately got hit with a big dose of buyer's remorse. The transmission was very notchy with the shifting. The odometer didn't turn and the working ac turned out to not work. Only one power window switch worked and it only worked the passenger side and the locks didn't lock. I also had a check engine light that would come on. What the hell had I gotten myself into? I realized that the transmission would have been the biggest issue I needed to deal with. According to the previous owner, he had had transmission work done but the shifting would hang going from first to second and second to third. Because of Covid, it took a while before I was able to get it into a mechanic. The mechanic was local but had a great rep and even owned a Eurovan. He knew the transmission issues on Eurovans inside and out so I figur...